With so many birds, it's hard to ask just ten questions. Good luck!


1) A bird's feathers are not used for
a) flying.
b) warmth.
c) shooing flies.
d) attracting a mate.

2) A hooked beak, like on a falcon, would be best used for
a) tearing meat.
b) hanging on and climbing branches.
c) cracking nuts.
d) getting nectar.

3) How many words on average can the African Gray Parrot learn?
a) 50
b) 200
c) 800
d) 1,000

4) What once thought extinct bird may have recently been seen in Arkansas?
a) the Ivory-billed Woodpecker
b) the Carolina Parakeet
c) the Dodo
d) the Passenger Pigeon

5) Desert birds often have what adaptations to help them survive?
a) large eyes
b) light-colored feathers
c) a and b
d) none of the above

6) How many air sacs do birds have on their lungs to help them breathe?
a) 2
b) 11
c) 15
d) none

7) How many species of birds are there?
a) about 600
b) about 1,000
c) over 5,000
d) over 9,000

8) The most common wild bird in the world is
a) the Common Crow.
b) the House Sparrow.
c) the Chicken.
d) the Robin.

9) How do scientists think birds migrate?
a) sighting landmarks like streams and mountains
b) observing the position of the stars and the sun
c) monitoring the earth's magnetic field
d) all of the above

10) A human heart beats about 70 times per minute when resting, and 190 times a minute when exercising. How many times does a bird's heart beat?
a) 70 resting and 190 flying
b) 100 resting and 250 flying
c) 300 resting and 800 flying
d) 400 resting and 1,000 flying